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This magazine used to be, but is no longer, published quarterly by Longmans on behalf of the Society of Analysts. In around 1988, the Society was reconstituted as the Institute of Investment Management and Research and the magazine was relaunched as "Professional Investor", published 10 times a year. More recently, IIMR merged into the UK Society of Investment Professionals, which has since merged into the CFA UK (Chartered Financial Analysts).

As the four articles are no longer available elsewhere, I have republished them on this website, having originally sought permission IIMR, for which I remain grateful. I am happy to record that the articles originally appeeared in TIA. Although not brilliantly scanned, each article is available as a PDF download on its own page below. The main points from each article are listed on each page.

October 1983

July 1984

April 1986

July 1987